Badan Singh Baddo conspired to whack Mukhtar Ansari's aide, Sanjeev Jeeva, who was shot dead in court June 7, according to a chargesheet filed by Uttar Pradesh Police. The meeting between Badan Singh Baddo and shooter Vijay Yadav happened in Nepal through a middleman named Aslam. Yadav claimed that he was given Rs 2 milllion ($24k USD) for the hit. Baddo allegedly conspired in the killing of Sanjeev Maheshwari, also known as Jeeva, through shooter Yadav. There had been a long-standing dispute between Badan Singh Baddo and Sanjeev Jeeva. |
Meerut Development Authority razed illegally occupied land used by fugitive Badan Singh Baddo. The land parcel was meant to be used as a park for children. “Baddo had occupied the land, worth crores of rupees, and got it registered in the name of one Renu Gupta and her husband." | Crowds gathered for the event. |
Baddo posts actively on social media. In one post the fugitive blames cops for turning him into a gangster. Baddo fled from custody on March 28, 2019. The life and crimes of Badan Singh ‘Baddo’ aren’t far from Bollywood. Baddo was serving a life sentence for murder when he escaped the clutches of six cops while in transit from Fatehgarh Central Jail to a court in Ghaziabad. | Baddo is the most wanted gangster in Uttar Pradesh. |
Badan Singh gave the slip to cops who had been drugged and plied with booze at a party sponsored by him at his hotel. After the cops got drunk and slept, Badan Singh and his accomplices fled. His location was last thought to be the Netherlands. Cops have been chasing Baddo but have miserably failed in finding him. He has 40 cases lodged against him in various states including Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh for murder, extortion and robbery. | 17 people including nine cops were booked for roles in his escape. |
Badan Singh Baddo is known for his lavish lifestyle including palatial homes, bespoke tuxedos, Swiss watches and luxury vehicles. |
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