Thursday, May 11, 2023

Seeyomak Salemi-Seifoddin - 'The Persian' - revisited

Salemi-Seifoddin has been fingered in a high end auto scam, Imperial Leasing. Hells Angel Vincent Boulanger was seen with two individuals under police investigation, including a drug dealer, in a Lamborghini dealer's yard. One of those men was 'The Persian'.

Seeyomak Salemi-Seifoddin was nailed with Vincent 'Gus' Boulanger.
'The Persian' is famous for having the balls to claim self defense after he struck two blows with an iron bar to the face of a woman. The woman, 19, received a first blow to the face, and she fell "like a rag doll". She was struck again while on the ground, unconscious, which resulted in two brain hemorrhages. 'The Persian' appealed his conviction of aggravated assault.

Cops were on the hunt for Mathieu Bélanger.

Guillaume Leblanc, Unknown, Seeyomak Salemi Seifoddi, Mathieu Bélanger and Kaven Langlois. Sept 20, 2019.
Seeyomak 'The Persion' Salemi-Seifoddin was among those raided in Montreal related to money laundering. He made headlines when cops raided businesses in the HA connected Pro Gym. One building is owned by three HA of the South section, Yves Leduc, Michel Guertin and Guy Dubé.
Seeyomak Salemi Seifoddin (left) and HA Salvatore Brunetti. Nicknamed "Le Perse" or Mike, he had been described as a close friend of Vincent Boulanger and "known to be very violent and unpredictable". Amir Samim Firouz Salari was hit by gunfire in his vehicle in 2019. He is closely associated with 'The Persian' and the Montreal South HA. He survived his wounds.

See ---->HA Vincent 'Gus' Boulanger lassoed

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