Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Soninder Dhingra sentenced, sprung

Soninder Dhingra, 49, was busted with 94kg of cocaine and 15kg of crystal meth in 2013. He pleaded guilty to importing narcotics and was sentenced to 10 years in jail. Taking into account the time spent in detention, for which each day counts as a day and a half, there was only one day left to serve for Dhingra. Dhingra imported drugs with the help of a corrupt customs officer. After an initial trial, Dhingra was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years. He took his case to the Court of Appeal, arguing that his first trial began in English and gradually and then completely took place in French, and that violated his constitutional rights. The new trial was being prepared when negotiations began last week between the prosecution and the defense.
Project Abri targeted drug importers linked to a member of the Montreal Mafia.

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