Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dmytro Firtash Update III - crony capitalism

Since posting a $174m bail bond in 2014, Dmytro Firtash has overseen his conglomerate Group DF in exile, living under house arrest in Vienna while he fights extradition to the US. The jewel of his business empire is a subsidiary called Ostchem, which commands a monopoly on Ukraine's market for nitrogen fertilizer.

Natural gas is the key input in the production of nitrogen fertilizer. Reuters found that Firtash’s successful push into fertilizers wasn’t about his business moxy. Instead it was built on corrupt deals with Putin associates.
Firtash’s emergence as Ukraine’s fertilizer king illustrates the power of crony capitalism.
Russian bank Gazprombank, tied to the state-owned Russian gas giant Gazprom, extended Firtash a line of credit up to $11.15b, which he used to buy fertilizer factories. Gazprom supplied gas at a discount of more than 30%. Ostchem companies made an operating profit of $3.7b in two years. At a huge cost to ordinary Russians and the Ukraine fertilizer market, Firtash's company made $2.2b in 2012 and 2013.
Ukraine is China’s number one corn purveyor for animal feed, a crop requiring high amounts of nitrogen. Trump’s trade war with China has solidified Ukraine’s place in that massive market.
Dmytro FirtashThey are two oligarchs with legal problems in the US. Firtash is indicted on federal bribery charges and Ihor Kolomoisky was embroiled in a banking scandal and was under FBI investigation. In a just released interview, Firtash says Giuliani’s associates offered help with his DoJ problems — if Firtash hired his two lawyers/associates. He says he has paid his new lawyers $1.2m to date. Firtash said the offer was made in late June when he met with Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.

Ihor Kolomoisky is a banking and media tycoon and is one of Ukraine’s richest men. He is close to Zelensky and is well known for financing troops battling Russian-supported separatists. Giuliani thought his legal troubles would make him an easy mark.
Kolomoisky said Parnas and Fruman came under pretext of dealing liquefied natural gas, but they wanted a meeting between Giuliani and Zelensky.
Firtash's name was raised during questioning of former NSC official Dr. Fiona Hill yesterday. "The question that we are all asking is whether American foreign policy in Ukraine is potentially being run in their interests and not our own." "It certainly appears as if it's being used" she replied. "There is a subversion of American power of attorney policy to push these people's personal interests"There is no question Firtash has a direct line to Putin. He has been wanted in the US for almost 6 years on conspiracy charges.
When Parnas and Fruman were arrested at the airport, they had one way tickets to Vienna.Giuliani associates Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova represent Firtash. They met with AG William Barr in July to argue against Firtash charges. This at the height of Giuliani’s hunt for dirt on Biden. Despite being a conduit for millions, Giuliani claims he did not know Firtash, or if Parnas and Fruman knew him. “It’s none of my business.”
Trump's political dirt from Ukraine was passed on to Trump allies by a Ukrainian oligarch who has been under U.S. indictment. Dmytro Firtash has been living in Vienna for the past five years fighting extradition to Chicago, where he's charged in a bribery scheme. Dmytro Firtash was involved with onetime Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and a string of profitable business moves.

Dmytro Firtash is a Russian billionaire who partnered with the kremlin in the European gas trade. His company got exclusive rights to Russian gas and resold it in Ukraine and Western Europe. That role could only come with the approval of Vladimir Putin.

The documents taken on TV and waved around by Giuliani came from Dmytro Firtash's legal team in Vienna. These debunked documents were presented as 'evidence' for his claims of wrongdoing by Robert Mueller and Joe Biden.
Firtash officially hired Giuliani associates Victoria Toensing and Joe diGenova for his legal team, effectively making Giuliani's team his own. Giuliani denies knowing Dmytro Firtash, despite receiving $500k from him. His indicted associates absolutely, positively do. Toensing and DiGenova even personally presented Firtash's sad plight to AG Barr.

Firtash’s acquaintance with top Russian mob boss Semion Mogilevich was exposed in 2010, when WikiLeaks posted a tranche of State Department cables.

Firtash is a well known high level associate of Russian organized crime. He is famous for supporting pro-Russia factions in Ukraine.
Semion MogilevichIn 2014 federal prosecutors in the Northern District of Illinois charged Firtash with scheming to bribe Indian officials in an effort to secure rights to a titanium mine Boeing was interested in. Firtash has been staying in Austria in relative freedom thanks to help from Russian billionaire Vasily Anisimov, who helped him post bond ... a cool $174m. Anisimov is on the Treasury Department’s 2018 “Putin List.”
Vasily Anisimov

See ----->Giuliani - Prime Enabler
See ----->'He's gonna sing': Giuliani hires 3 lawyers

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