Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trump is EXTREMELY confused - Malignant Narcissism - Update III

Here is the last from Twitler. I would guess he has tweeted this at very least 10 times in the past 14 days. He's obsessing over the non-relevant and projecting. And one might notice it's the 'Fake' Whistleblower now, presumably to go along with 'Fake' news.
Nearly 60,000 mental health professionals have diagnosed President Donald Trump. Sparked by petitions by a top former Johns Hopkins professor and a California congresswoman, the psychiatric community has declared that Trump suffers from “Malignant Narcissism.” The clear and present danger of Trump is obvious. “This is unique. We’re not just talking about mental illness, we’re talking about the worst possible mental illness.”

When Trump defends accusations by calling someone else the same thing, that’s psychological projection. In one of Trump’s presidential debates with Hillary Clinton she accused him of being a Russian puppet, and he automatically projected the accusation.
Day after day (after day) Trump continues to obsess over the 'Whistleblower'. He can't realize that there are likely 4 'Whistleblowers' so far, and each is more damning than the one before.

Trump has SERIOUS mental issues and they are a) obvious, and b) getting much worse.
The twitter activity of POTUS is on a serious rise as the hounds close in. He is tweeting manically and it's returning less to his ego.
Donald Trump stopped to talk to reporters on the South Lawn after being booed. He launched another full-on attack on the anonymous whistleblower, then the press.

From late at night and early the next morning Trump is showing every sign of going completely over the rails. The importance of the 'Whistleblower' is virtually nil because all the facts are proven and hideously damning. For Trump to STILL obsess is more evidence of sickness.
Malignant Narcissism is a syndrome characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and egosyntonic (ego fed) aggression. Other symptoms may include an absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and a sense of importance (grandiosity).

The illness is associated with impulsivity and aggression, Machiavellianism, persistent criminal behavior, with negative empathy nor any remorse.

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