Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Spanked by BCSC's Dougie Muir - revisited 'rewards'

Latest and greatest to hit securities in British Columbia is news of cash rewards for ratting out crooks. Before citizens figure they have hit the bonanza jackpot with the THOUSANDS of open criminals operating in Vancouver they best consider they are being played for fools. This citizen has, over the decades, laid out a dozen scams of various sizes, including 'BridgeMark'. How many did the BCSC 'do' anything about? Nada one. Dougie Muir was forced to do something with BridgeMark after journalist Graeme Wood blew the scheme wide open.
"The more valuable your information is, the more we may pay you,” Brenda Leong, chair and CEO said.
So citizens. This man is UBER bigshot Dougie Muir, head of pee pee pulling or something or other at the BCSC. Did he e-mail to congratulate me for doing virtually all the 'investigating' into the massive large BridgeMark scam that occurred for years under his fully incompetent nose? Not exactly ... "Your emails to the BCSC over the past few days have been aggressive and abusive towards staff, and you have not provided any useful or relevant information."

I think I'm gonna cry. Soooo unappreciated, sniff. Sadly none of these overcompensated dopes, including puller/stroker Dougie, will reveal their 'retention bonuses.' Grrrrr my doodle.
One wishes Dougie and his overpaid peons could find the time to bust the open securities criminals scamming folks in the clear open instead of harassing bloggers doing their fukkin jobs for them.

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