| Chinese national Yuchen Lu is screwed after trying to flip Greenbelt ground on the sly for massive profits. Doug Ford will be returning the land belonging to Buena Vista Development Corp. to the Greenbelt. Lu bought the 133 acre parcel in June 2018 for $15.8 million. Yuchen Lu's address is listed in Fuyang, China. |
This is 1.79% of the land gifted in Ford's Greenbelt steal. Buena Vista Development Corp is owned by Chinese national Yuchen Lu. | Doug Ford is facing more heat as two parcels of land he removed from the Greenbelt are trying to be flipped. 765 and 775 Kingston Rd. E., in Ajax, Ont. were listed for sale. The property of 104 acres is billed as 'future development land.' |
| K9 Doug Ford has just announced the Ontario government is backtracking on some (not all) of its Greenbelt steal. This after citizens across Ontario screamed bloody murder and called for his resignation as the dirty terd he is. The RCMP said that the Ontario Provincial Police requested that they investigate 'irregularities'. Ford says he's confident that nothing criminal took place, ahuck. | |
Ryan Amato removed 14 of the 15 sites from the Greenbelt. | | As he resigned in total disgrace, Ryan Amato pushed back against the fact he masterminded the land steals. Amato — the former chief of staff to housing minister Steve Clark — said his role in the Greenbelt decision has been 'unfairly depicted' and suggested he would be vindicated some day. Amato was the man responsible for choosing which sites would be released for development. He gave 'special consideration' to 3 well-connected developers. A scathing Auditor General report blasted him and his boss Doug Ford. In July 2022 Ford installed Ryan Amato as the chief of staff (steal). Housing Minister Steven Clark has not resigned. | Caitlin.Clark2@ontario.ca |
| TACC Developments is headed by Silvio De Gasperis. Micheal Rice is CEO of the Rice Group. Ezra Jakubovic heads Fieldgate Homes. | |
Of the 7,400 acres of land removed from the Greenbelt, 92% were tied to three developers with direct access to the housing ministry.
Steve.Clark@pc.ola.org | A top staffer in Premier Doug Ford’s office crafted Greenbelt changes. There are calls for the idiot Ford to resign in disgrace. His governance is corrupt. Ryan Amato is Housing Minister Steve Clark’s Chief of Staff. Clark said today he has Ford’s full support and neither he, nor his chief of staff Amato, will be leaving their positions. The 3 developers have strong ties to the government and they acculmulated land in the Greenbelt for years. In September 2022 Green Lane Bathurst GP Inc., a company connected to developer Rice Group, bought Greenbelt land for about $80m. That was an astute purchase as less than a year later it is worth at least 20 times as much. | Premier Doug Ford gave a bizarre news conference 'explaining' his Greenbelt fraud. He blamed Jiffy Lube. “The previous government changed the Greenbelt 17 times … because they were building mega mansions for their buddies. They were building a golf course … and they were building a Jiffy Lube,” Ford said. | |
Ford said his government will not be stop the land removal from the Greenbelt. Politicos in Ontario are filthy dirty and stealing from citizens.
Auditor General Report --->
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