Saturday, April 6, 2019

HA bikie gang inner workings revealed in prison officer corruption case

The revelations are included in court documents that relate to the case of corrupt prison officer Kim Marie Graham. Graham had access to all of the prison records held on the department's databases.

She leaked information to Hells Angels prospect Colin Andrew James Weetra. Weetra was a member of the Rebels Motorcycle Gang from 2011 to 2016. In May 2017, Weetra was a North Crew prospect. Cops told the court that the Hells Angels spread to Australia with the Adelaide chapter being established in 1983. The North Crew was established in 1996 and the Dead End Crew started operating in South Australia a decade later.
"The expectation is that every member of the Hells Angels would become involved in a violent confrontation that other members are involved in. Depending on the circumstances, there may be ramifications if those persons do not become involved. Counter-surveillance is conducted and intelligence gathered against police and rival gangs, and the gang cultivates "contact persons within key agencies."
Graham pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to act honestly in the performance of her duties as a public sector employee, while Weetra pleaded guilty to two counts of aiding and abetting.

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